The TISZA Party is announcing a call for applications for assistant/advisory positions to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). We are seeking professionals who will support MEPs in complex administrative and organizational processes, as well as in decision-preparation and professional advisory roles during parliamentary work. This is a unique opportunity for successful applicants to help represent our country's interests in the EP in an exciting, challenging international environment.


The following requirements are mandatory (basic requirements):
● European Union citizenship;
● High-level proficiency in English and knowledge of another official EU language;
● User-level computer skills (MS Office, Google Workspace, etc.);
● Valid passport/ID card;
● Clean criminal record;
● For the policy and administrative assistant profiles: post-secondary education
degree OR secondary education and at least 3 years of professional experience;
● For other profiles: secondary education.

Apply if you:
● Are committed to the goals of the TISZA Party;
● Can work in a team;
● Are reliable;
● Have good networking, conflict management, and communication skills;
● Can prioritize tasks and meet deadlines;
● Are meticulous in your work;
● Handle stress well and have high resilience.

The following will be advantageous during the evaluation of applications:

● Lack of party-political background;
● Knowledge of an additional official EU language;
● Experience in the European Parliament.


1. Policy Assistant/Advisor, particularly in the following areas:

● European foreign and security policy, regional and rural development policy,
common agricultural policy, European budget policy and control, European
monetary and economic policy, common market (including consumer protection,
data protection, competition policy, and digital policy), European industrial and
research policy, European health policy, European environmental and climate
policy, European criminal and civil justice cooperation, European energy and
transport policy, European cultural and educational cooperation, European law
and legislation.

The policy assistant/advisor primarily analyzes legislation and other proposals related to specific EU policies, conducts research, follows committee and delegation work, prepares decision-making materials and opinions, formulates proposals. The assistant/advisor writes summaries of meetings, conducts professional negotiations, prepares presentations, and speeches.

Primary work location: Brussels, occasionally Strasbourg.

The ideal candidate, in addition to the general requirements listed in section,  also meets the following:

● Relevant higher education degree;
● Advanced level of English;
● Minimum of 3 years of experience in the specific policy area;
● Experience in EU institutions or EU affairs;
● Experience in preparing policy/research materials;
● Excellent analytical and strategic thinking skills.

2. Local Assistant

The primary task of the local assistant is to follow and strengthen the connections
between European and domestic affairs and policies: preparing proposals for European-level interventions based on domestic research and analysis, and supporting the translation of European results to the domestic level. The domestic assistant helps the MEP maintain contact with constituents, build and develop domestic partnerships, and participate in domestic events through organization and coordination. They organize visitor groups, provide information in the MEP's domestic office, and perform secretarial tasks. They monitor the domestic media and support the MEP in formulating and conveying communication messages.

Primary work location: Hungary, occasionally Brussels or Strasbourg.

The ideal candidate, in addition to the general requirements listed in section I, also
meets the following:

● Minimum of 1 year of experience in the specific policy area;
● Experience in EU institutions or EU affairs;
● Experience in preparing policy/research materials;
● Excellent analytical and strategic thinking skills;
● Native-level Hungarian language proficiency.

3. Administrative Assistant

The administrative assistant primarily handles administrative and organizational tasks for the MEP. Responsibilities include coordinating, organizing, executing, and following up on meetings, (committee) sessions, and events, managing the MEP's calendar and email account, preparing financial reports, organizing travel and meetings, assisting in organizing events and visitor groups, and performing general secretarial duties. They support the MEP in human resource management and assist the team with research work.

Primary work location: Brussels.

The ideal candidate, in addition to the general requirements listed in section I, also
meets the following:
● Has administrative experience;
● Is familiar with the EP's operation and administrative regulations;
● Has experience in planning, managing a calendar, and coordinating events;
● Is discreet and can work independently;
● Has good problem-solving and interpersonal skills;
● Can quickly respond to new needs and anticipate them.

4. Communication Assistant

The communication assistant supports the communication activities of the MEP group: creates social media content, manages comments and messages, helps increase reach on social media, writes content summaries and press releases, maintains contact with the press, organizes press events and other events, manages publications, and produces promotional materials.

Primary work location: Brussels, occasionally Strasbourg.

The ideal candidate, in addition to the general requirements listed in section I, also
meets the following:

● Minimum of 2 years of relevant professional experience;
● Familiarity with press relations and social media;
● Experience in event organization;
● A network of contacts with international and/or domestic press representatives;
● Experience in moderation or other professional verbal communication;
● Knowledge of social media platforms, advanced image, and video editing skills.


Please fill out the application form on this platform ( https://m.magyartisza.hu/epsubmissions).

The application must include the following:

● Completed application form
● CV in Hungarian or English (max. 2 pages)
● Motivational letter: why you want to support the TISZA representatives in their
work (max. 200 words) - in Hungarian or English
● Description of studies/experience relevant to the profile: how your professional
experience matches the position you wish to apply for (max. 200 words) - in
Hungarian or English
● Declaration allowing us to process your personal data: "I consent to the TiszaParty processing and storing my personal data during the application process."


1. Checking basic requirements: Only applications that include all requested
documents and meet the basic requirements will be considered.
2. Evaluation of applications: Based on the relevant experience and motivational letter, we will select the most suitable candidates for each sought position.
3. Written test: An online written test will be conducted, with a task appropriate to
the profile and policy area. Applicants for the policy assistant profile must
complete the task in English.
4. Oral interview: The best-performing candidates from the written test will be
invited for a personal professional and motivational interview.

Job start date: September 1, 2024

Application deadline: July 26, 2024

For policy, administrative, and communication assistants:

● Competitive salary (according to the European Parliament Assistant Salary
● Additional benefits (e.g., relocation allowance, child allowances)
● Health and accident insurance, also covering the family
● EP-supported language and other courses
● EU pension entitlement (detailed conditions are contained in the Staff
Regulations of Officials of the European Union)

For local (Hungarian) assistants:
● Competitive salary
● Benefits according to Hungarian employment regulations

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